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Josh Grossman


Josh Grossman, PhD, Chair of Physics Department

Michael Cummings, Director of Admissions, LSM ‘16

St. Mary’s College of Maryland


Advice to students on pathways to internships at NAS Patuxent River:

1. Identify your interests. What do you want to be when you graduate?

-Read about careers and previous internship opportunities.

-In SMCM Physics, we explore as part of curriculum with all students

-Work with faculty members to understand their path and what they did to get there

-Speak with faculty about career paths, colleagues and opportunities available

-Take opportunities to learn and experience different aspects related to your major. 

-Take different classes, go to presentations, learn about the field

-Take classes in other fields to better understand your interests and interdisciplinary connections


2. Inventory your skills and prepare your resume. Preparation is the key to success. 

-Don’t just list of course names or previous jobs.  Also identify skills acquired in them.

- Have others review resume and give advice, accept that advice and make changes. 

- Use the campus career center or equivalent for help in polishing resume

- Speak with former students, peers, alumni about their resumes and how they have maximized their experiences and skills on them

-In SMCM Physics, resume reviews are also part of curriculum, make sure to speak with faculty about what opportunities exist as a student in a particular program.


3. Internships can sometimes lead to direct jobs or employment. SMCM also has a lot of connections via Academic programs with military organizations. 

-SMCM examples:


Naval Air Warfare Center-Aircraft Division (NAWCAD).  Some professors have had research grants that can hire students as SMCM employees in internships while collaborating NAWCAD labs.  Also, some of the collaborating labs have funding and can hire interns as contractors.  Several SMCM professors do research and have collaborations with NAWCAD.  Here since direct hires, it’s personal connection to profs and staff that will alert you to opportunity and help you get selected.


Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP – college & post-graduate; November deadline this year)


Science & Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP –  high school; December deadline this year)


Pathways Program (high school thru postgraduate; January deadline this year).  Apply to program.


Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Program.  (college and grad school scholarships and internships, transitions to employment)



*Federal government resumes are very different from other resumes.  You can learn about federal resume style online or from someone with experience. The SMCM Career Development Office offers information and help with this. 


* Making a personal connection is IMPORTANT. Take every opportunity possible to meet people in your desired field, to network, to connect, to offer to do unpaid work, etc. Connections and your willingness to make them are your biggest asset. 


*For NREIP, SEAP, Pathways, and SMART: if pass initial stage, application passed on to divisions.  Could be picked out from pool in general, but helps a lot if someone knows to look for your name and selects you (relationships appear again).


*NREIP & SEAP have own application sites (see above).  Regular style resume.  Personal statements.  Recommendations (Request your recommendations in advance to give writers enough time to prepare them.  Provide rec writers info about program, plus your resume and goals.)


*Pathways through USAJOBS.  Federal style resume.  No recommendation letters needed.  Very limited window of opening – 3 days.  Helps to have someone let you know when a job or internship will be posted so you hit that window. Most professors will alert their students to opportunities with advance notice, especially at SMCM.  Advice: Pre-load materials so you are ready to submit when window opens.  Can set USAJOBS to send you notifications when certain types of listings post.

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